번역시 연구

참회의 뜨락1

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참회의 뜨락 1 

새벽 안개 숲에서

석양녘 구름 속까지, 그리고 꿈에까지

살아 계시는 얼굴이시여

숱한 시간

밝아도 어둠이었고

기뻐도 진실로 즐거움이 아니었고

그리고, 여기 언어가 빛나도

모두가 헛됨을

이제서야 깨닫노니,

그 방황과 속됨과 욕망, 그리고 거짓들

세속은 헛되고 헛되어

지난 날을 지워 버리고

가슴에 참회의 눈물로 가득 채우고

확신코 그 얼굴이 하나님의 형상임을 고백하여

남은 목숨은 그 얼굴에 담고 싶다. 아,

어디에도 그 음성이 담겨 있다.

The back garden of repent 1 (고친 버전1)

You venerable Face!

alive always in the foggy forest of dawn,

in the thick clouds of dusk, and even in dreams

Belatedly, Now I see

for uncountable many times

when bright, it was actually dark

when pleased, it was not true joy

and all brilliant words of mine were just in vain.

Alas! All those wanderings, vulgarity, desires, and falsities...

This mundane world is vanity, just vanity

Only if I could

wipe out all past days,

confess with my breast filled up with penitential tears that

you Face believedly is the very appearance of God,

and then immerse my remaining life withing your face. Ah

In everywhere that voice is alive.

The back garden of repent 1 (고친 버전2; 운율 조정)

In the foggy forest of dawn,

in the thick clouds of dusk, and even in dreams

always alive is you venerable Face!

For uncountable many times

when bright, it was actually bleak

when pleased, it was not true pleasure

and all brilliant words of mine were just in vain...

belatedly now I see,

Alas! All those wanderings, vulgarity, desires, and falsities...

This mundane world is vanity, just vanity

Wish I could

wipe out all past days,

confess in hearts full of penitential tears that

you Face believedly is the very appearance of God,

and then immerse my remaining life within your face. Ah

With everywhere is that voice.

